Wednesday, July 31, 2024

One Law of Life " Love Harmony and Peace"

Source: The Magic Presence. By Godfrey Ray King

This book carries the radiation of the Ascending Masters who are working for America and is charged with Saint Germain Ascending Master consciousness of freedom.

Human fears and limitations shall be cut away, the Earth shall be set in Divine Order once again.

Physical embodiment is for the purpose of preparing the body which can be raised to blend with the body of the Mighty I Am Presence or The Magic Presence.

In this body, which is made of Pure Electronic Substance  the individual has complete freedom from all limitations.
The body is illuminated with its light.
The conscious dominion over all manifestations is everyone's Birthright.

When the one striving for such freedom has reached the point where he releases any amount of light he desires from his electronic body instantly by his own conscious command, then he can control all manifestations,  ni matter what sphere he may choose to Express.

When discordant thoughts and feelings are allowed to Express in the personal self over the years, as one goes trough life, the body becomes incapacitated because the outer walking consciousness does not obey the "One Law of Life " Love Harmony and Peace.

When mankind learns to live its Life by the "One Ethernal Law of Love" it will find that such obedience have released it from the whell if butth and re birth and the problems of human existence have dissapeared.

In true divine Love there is no such thing as separation.

Attention to the activities of the psychic plane depletes the personal  self of energy and the ability to reach to the God Source and anchor there  permanently.

Discord and limitations are imposed upon the outer activity by man and man alone because All Wise, All-Perfect, All-Powerful Supreme Creator does not and cannot create a limitation, a lack or a discord.

All patterns of Perfection are stired within the all knowing Fanthomless mind if the I Am Presence and can never be made manifest in the physical world of mankind until the outer activity of the mind which is the intellectual consciousness is illuminated by the Ray of Golden Light within the hearth.

This Ray comes always from the Electronic Body of the individual.  This is "The Magic Prese ce I AM".

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