Sunday, August 16, 2020

Earth Peace

People could amalgamate and act in unison instead of constantly warring upon each other and then you'll find earth worth living upon.

The deserts and plains could be transformed into gardens that would be like heavens.

The substance and effort and life spent each year on wars would bring an abundance of water in the deserts if not from the poluted rivers from the atmosphere itself or from the distant oceans.

These things can be done. And you'd have a very oaradise in which to build your homes and rear your children and see your sons bloom into manhood in peace without the mugging horror and fear of bloody death and maimed and crazed young bodies.

The Authir Truman Berthurum was born in 1898 in California and died in 1869. 
During his life he was one of the most celebrated contactees.  This book was printed se eral times and was translated in several languages.

In June 1952 he was working on the Gaviota Highway Tunel project in Santa Barbara when he received a call asking him to work for his old boss Whitey Edward's then in charge of roadbuilding project Mormon Mesa near Las Vegas.

Soon after moving to Las Vegas in July he had his first UFO experience at 3:3o in the morning.. he was awaken by voices of 8 spacemans and an egg shaped craft resting on the ground about 15 feet away. 

He was introduced to Ms Aura Rhanes or Aurora Thor that is the daughter of Valiant Thor.

"Aboard a flying Saucer" by Truman Bethurum

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