Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Auld Lang Syne - New Year Song

The Song we sing at New Year Eve was the last song of Lemuria. Auld Lang Syne. The People of Earth have brought this song forth again through the Irish peoples and very prophetic words have been added.Should Old acquaintances be forgot. What do you think we are doing together this song

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Lemuria and Lemurians

Ahnahmar has been living in the same body since the devise of Lemuria. Ancient Sacred citiesnandntemples still exist in the fifth dimension.

In the Mount Shasta  exist entrance ti multi dimensional corridors a d portal,  energy wortexes, fairs lands and even a place where a.large family of unicorn live. Theybreside in a dimension that is slightly above ours and are visible only to those with expanded inner vision.

These places remain veiled until rhebright vibration prevails on our planet.

Lemurians have a council of twelve of Telos (that is a  underground city) , they have a king and Queen of Telos Ra and Rana Mu.

Lemurians are the survivors of a mighty civilization, they are real, verybwell and alive within mount Shasta California after 12,0000 years of separation from the surface population.

They are planning to emerge among you in the near future, and ti assist the surface dwellers to create a paradise on the Earth.

Mount Shasta is one of the most sacred places on the planet. It is a mystical.power source formthisnEarth and a focusnfor of light fornangels, Spirit Guides, soaceships and Ascending masters from the Light Realm.and many dimensions.

MountnShasta is also rhe home for the survivors of Ancient Lemuria.

Mount Shasta isnthe home of many present day Lemurians whonare survivors of the sinking of the continent Lemuria over 12000 years ago. They are well and physically alive and living in the fifth dimensional existence that isnyet invisiblento our eyes.

The surface vibration is currently transitioning from the third dimensional intonanforth/fifth dimensional reality.

The other dimensions exist around us but most people living on the surface do not yet possess a consciousness evolved enough to perceive them.

Prior to the sinking of their continent the ancient Lemurians were fullybaware of the eventual.destiny of their land.and used their mastery if energy, crystals sound and vibrations to Hollow out a vast underground city with the intention tonpreserving their culture their treasures  and theirnrecords of ancient Earth history.

Lemuria was once a large continent larger than North America connected to parts of  California, Oregon,Nevada and Washington States.
Thus cintinent disappeared in Pacific 12000 years ago. Approximately 25000 Lemurians were able to migrated into the interior of Mount Shasts aling with the most important administration centres prior to the sinking of their continent.

They are still here bin the physical immortalized bodies living life in an unlimited fifth dimension.

Native Americans believe that Mount Shasta is a place of such impose grandeur thatbits existence can be attributed to the creation of the Great Spirit.

In 1940nDr M Doreak claimed that he visitedbthe Lemurians inside their mountain. He said rhebrhe space hebwas shown was about 2 miles height and 20 miles long.

Hensaid that the light inside the mountain was a s brighter as the summer day and was created by a giant  growing mass of light.susoended in the center of that cavern.

The Lemurians told the man that there are a series of tunnels left by vulcano that ran under the earth like a freeways a world within a world.

Lemurians had reportedly mastered atomic energy, telepatic  and clairvoyant skills, electronic and science as much as 18000 years ago.

Most of their technology is controlled by thought.

In ancient times they propelled their boats using the radiant energy ofbthe crystals.

They used airships tontravel to Atlantis and other places.

Today they have a fleet of spaceships called Silver Fleet with whichbtheybtravel to and from mountain and out into space.

They have the ability to render their spaceship invisibke and silent to avoid being detected by the local and National military.

Although theynar physical in nature they are able to shift their energyfields from the third to forth and fifth dimensional vibration and become visible or invisible at will.

Mount Shasta is not only a home for the Lemurians but isnalso an inter planetary and intergalactic multindimensiinal portal.

There us a huge etheric city of light above Mount Shasta called the crystal city of the Seven rays.

Mount Shasta has the tendency tonrevealherself only to those who honor life themselves for who they  truly are rhe Eartg and all other Kingdoms staring the planet.

Telos Volume 1 Revelation of the New Lemuria
By Aurelia Louise Jones.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Medical Art


In the book, The Breath of Life and The Flame Divine ( 1957) Hilton Hotema wrote about medical art.

The medical art is one of the biggest frauds on Earth. Its History of fatal errors and its path is strewn with the noses of its trustful victims. It kills and cripples many but cures none. It is nothing but voodooism of the savage modernized bu chicanery, animated by trickery and perpetuated by dishonesty. It should be outlawed as a positive menace to mankind.

The body can make no use of medicines, remedies, drugs, vaccines, serums, and all other poisons used by the medical art. These poisonous cripple and kill many but cure none.

The body manufactures its products and can use no other This law of the living body is in force at all times and is never nullified nor modified by its aliments. The body in all conditions remains always subject to the same immutable law.

No system of treating the sick has ever grown so fast against strong medical opposition as Chiropractic has. The reason is that recognizes Life as a power distinct from the body.

Chiropractic succeeds because it deals with the nerve system of this Astral body the Flame divine.

Medical art fails because it deals with tricky unreliable changeable symptoms, and changes treatment as symptoms change. A hot or miss method, based on observation, speculation, conjecture. It has no law nor principle.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Life and Cosmic Radiation

Fire is the most ancient symbol of Life and the greatest of all purifying agencies.

According to the ancient Astrology "the entire universe is Fire in the process ofof transformation. "

Clements of Alexandria said "Fire from the Sun  is first changing to air, the to moisture, and from this came the earth also all things on it.

Cosmic Radiation was named by the ancients  Astral Ray's and it was the fundation of their science if Astrology.

Cosmic Radiation strikes the Earth in large quantities. Every second it breaks up 20 atoms in every cubic inch of our atmosphere and.mimlions of atoms in our bodies and we know not of what this psychological affects may be.

Cosmicnrays contact the earth's magnetic field (aura) as electrons of more than 10 million volts, and oenetrate more thN 700 feet into the Earth's crust. Some assert that certain rays pass entirely thru the earth.

We hardly know anything about the effects of Cosmic Radiation on human beings

George Lakhovaky French sxientist I  his book "Secrets of Life" he dealt with the effects of the Astral Rays upon the body's cells and tissues.

Lakhovsky showed that

1.the body cell is composed of nucleus containing chromosomes surrounded by cytoplasm and a cell wall.

2. Chromosomes are composed of insulating material lipods, filled with conducting fluid of a certain chemical.cimpisition.

3.this organization forms an oscillating circuit if excessively small wave length  arable of self inductuon and capable to  irate at terrific speed, equivalent to that of Asfral Rays.

4. Body cells are bipolar mechanisms.

5 Chromosomes are tiny antennas that pick up or receive astral radiation and convert it into Vito electric currents under the Asfrological Law if Animation, thus formating a Law of Psychology, Biology and Physiology.

6. And that is the secret ofcelular activity not the chemical changes occuring in the body cells as science erroneously claims.

7.Astral Rays occuring through the nerves as electricity flows through vires produce the organization called Life which makes Life a priduxt not a principle.

Extracts from the book: "The Breath of Life and the Flame Divine (1957)" by Hilton Hotema

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Children and Drugs.

Mass drugging of our nation's children has gone too long far.
Why isn't the mainstream Media giving this a front page coverage? Why aren't lawmakers demanding an end to chemical.a use of our children? Why isn't the FDA halting these trials on todlers out of plain decency?

You already know the answer. Because they're all making g money from this chemical.assault on our nation's children.

The doctors hospitals, drug companies, psychiatrists and mainstream media all profit handsomely from the sales of mind altering drugs to children.

Ethics will never get in the way of old fashioned greed.

Such drugging of future generations also advances the globalists' goal of societal control.

Children should be given more sunshine, playtime and access to nature rather than drugs. Thus is the historical proven common sense approach to producing balanced healthy children.

But psychiatry has no.commin sense. And no one in the industry dares mention than most called.mental disorders are really just caused by nutritional imbalances.

There is no scientific means to confirm bipolar disorder.

Selection from Population Control How Corporate Owners are Killing Us by Jim Marrs

Saturday, September 11, 2021


I finished the Divine Life by Hilton Hotema. The influence of Val Thor is all over the book. The ideas of immortality, the body is only 7 years old, fasting as a necessity for maintaining youthful appearance, food should be fresh fruits and vegetables and elimination of meat from diet, examples.of people that lived long as told by the Bible and real life at the beginning of the last century. Interesting concepts of how the  cell comes into materiality from immaterial "dust". 
The book talk about the divine intelligence, the divine life about universal laws such as the Law of Economy, the Law of Life. Also some statements are extremely interesting such as : 1. The failure of people to think keeps them slave to their leaders and rulers.
2. The Veil of mysticism in which religion is hidden runs back to the dawn of the race .
3. How to care for the body is the first lesson of life. To neglect that duty is to commit the greatest crime against the Creator. 
4. You are divine life flowing through your body.
5. Soul, Spirit, Life, God are interchangeable terms.
6. Today innocent men and women are sent to prison because they oppose vaccination and inoculation.  (The book was written in 1963).
7. The iron hand of medical tyrany is slowly closing on the throat of Civilization. 
8. Soul is individualized spirit if divine life.
9. When men cast of the teachings that worship the shadow and lift the Veil that hides the light they will find the Truth and then complexity and mystery will yeld to unity and simplicity. 

Exceptional book. I highly recommend it.