Monday, September 18, 2023

Freedom and Mercy


The fastest way to freedom is to control your thoughts and feelings.
The thoughts and feelings are the dual activity of your own God Flame which is within you and is the only source and sustaining power of your being and world.

As the two activities of fire are light and heat si are the two activities of ifnfire within your thoughts and feelings and you are the Keeper of that fire God's Sacred Flame.

The Mastery of that Flame is the power to create your power to rise above the world of cause and effect for you are created in the image of God and you are the image of God.

Make an effort to be the master of your attention. Control your thoughts and feelings at all times for only in that master is your eternal freedom. (Discourse of Saint Germain)

Light will not enter into your life unless you let it and unless you request it to do so for you have free will.

There is a difference between sympathy and compassion.  Sympathy comes from human weakness and failure to understand the Law,  compassion comes from God and is divine.l abd that compassion in action is Mercy.

The most merciful thing that you can do is be always tolerant in your thoughts and feelings toward others and toward every living thing to think nothing but God. That is what true Mercy is.

According ro the degree of sincerity, the degree of your true desire for knowledge is the degree you are answered by every call every question in the mind of man is a magnet and that magnet inexorably attracts in the perfect time the answer to it.

Source: "I AM The Open Door Ascending Master Discourses"