Sunday, September 19, 2021

Children and Drugs.

Mass drugging of our nation's children has gone too long far.
Why isn't the mainstream Media giving this a front page coverage? Why aren't lawmakers demanding an end to chemical.a use of our children? Why isn't the FDA halting these trials on todlers out of plain decency?

You already know the answer. Because they're all making g money from this chemical.assault on our nation's children.

The doctors hospitals, drug companies, psychiatrists and mainstream media all profit handsomely from the sales of mind altering drugs to children.

Ethics will never get in the way of old fashioned greed.

Such drugging of future generations also advances the globalists' goal of societal control.

Children should be given more sunshine, playtime and access to nature rather than drugs. Thus is the historical proven common sense approach to producing balanced healthy children.

But psychiatry has no.commin sense. And no one in the industry dares mention than most called.mental disorders are really just caused by nutritional imbalances.

There is no scientific means to confirm bipolar disorder.

Selection from Population Control How Corporate Owners are Killing Us by Jim Marrs

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